How IREX can Prevent the Next Texas School Tragedy
A message from IREX CEO, Calvin Yadav
May 27, 2022
First of all, I want to send my condolences to all families that are impacted by this senseless crime committed in the community of Uvalde.

I cannot even imagine the pain these families are going through. This morning my wife called me crying, as she did not want to leave the kids in the school. I know that there are many parents in America, who went through the same emotions or even thinking about pulling their kids out of schools. After a tragedy like this we always ask:

What can we do? How can we avoid this happening again? or how can we take this pain out of our hearts?

Unfortunately, we have to be the ones carrying this pain in our hearts - as we have once again failed to protect our future generation. As a parent, I find this extremely frustrating. The reason why I find this frustrating is due to the fact, we have the World’s #1 Ethical AI technology company and we have this technology readily available to all cities and in particular the schools & campuses around the United States.
“FCC released a number that if we shave 1 sec from the response time that could save over 10,000 lives per year in the US” - Federal Communications Commission
IREX in Schools: Immediate Threat Detection
Most schools have security cameras and those cameras are meant to ensure safety and situational awareness. The problem is that administrators and staff are unable to constantly monitor the cameras. With the implementation of AI technology - staff, law enforcement or anyone you choose to be notified can be alerted to a multitude of events that are occurring in real-time.
Real-time threat detection and alerts for immediate response
For Example, a Student has a Firearm:
  • IREX can identify that a firearm has been pulled from a bag and/or a pocket while they are approaching the school doors with it in hand. If the shooter is in school.
  • IREX can identify where the student is and track their movement throughout the school. We can even identify the student.
This information is sent to authorized personnel in the school and the police.

Using that same example, multiple students are fleeing the building. Student accountability is extremely important. IREX can also identify which students left the building and from what exit. The ability to immediately detect anomalous activity, attain situational awareness, and respond to threats is critical.
Three Critical Contributing Factors
At IREX, we have conducted a think tank on this recurring tragedy that haunts every parent’s dream. There were many insightful thoughts that came out of it. For example, In an active shooter and mass killing situation, there are three critical contributing factors that will determine the outcome of the situation:
A police officer receiving a weapon detection alert
In a typical mass shooting incident, police are notified after the shots have been fired. At this point, there has already been a delay. Once victims realize what's going on and process the situation sometimes the first call is to family members. Calls to the police still have to go through a routing system for information gathering and then are finally dispatched. According to the FBI the average response time for law enforcement is 3 min. So where can we save time and essentially save lives?
Police Response Time to Active Shooter Attacks
This graph shows police response time for active shooter events. For the 51 cases that included the data, the median response time was three minutes—fast by law enforcement standards. Source:
One of the most important ways to combat active shooters is in the initial detection phase. The ability to quickly know there is a problem prior to the first shots being fired is crucial. IREX AI’s weapon detection solves this problem. Imagine a situation where the suspect is exiting a vehicle, loading a firearm in the parking lot and walking to the school doors with that weapon. The IREX AI-powered Weapon detection module would immediately notify the chosen alert team which can include chosen administrators, School Resource Officers at the school, and even police dispatch directly. Suspect Images can also be sent to responding officers. The lockdown procedure starts before the suspect even has a chance to gain access.
"IREX Clearly Saves Lives"
As a law enforcement officer with over 16 years of training and experience as a police detective, major incident commander, police technology instructor, and supervisor, I understand that with IREX early detection reduces response time and will save lives. If the shooter is in the school. IREX will track the suspect throughout the hallways regardless of clothing changes. Police will also have real-time information about the location so they can quickly respond to the correct door. In a chaotic situation, accurate real-time information helps law enforcement stop the killing.
Kevon Cumberbatch, Delaware Police Department
Unfortunately tragedies on campuses have increased tremendously. Mental health is on the rise due to the current world climate. School districts really need to take a look at themselves, and I ask if they are in business to change children’s lives. To do so, they need to be alive to be given that chance. IREX is that chance, technology is a must and if you agree then use the best. IREX Real-Time proactive approach allows law-enforcement and school officials to act immediately. IREX clearly saves lives, you cannot put a price on a child’s life, or anyone for that matter. IREX is the leader and should be used by every school district in the United States. Expect the unexpected, don't let the next tragedy hit home.
Jaime Ochoa, Student Intervention Office, California Education Department
Are you tired of seeing young kids murdered at schools by active shooters? No matter what your political affiliation is, we can all agree that people with intentions to kill innocent children should be stopped. IREX AI uses the most advanced, state-of-the-art technology to detect crimes in real-time to stop predators in their tracks. IREX AI connects cameras and sensors to a secure, private cloud, analyzing data to assess threats in real-time. This provides vital, pro-active opportunities to stop active shooters while ethically protecting the privacy and American liberties of citizens.
Manolo Guillen County, Co-Founder, Advisory Council on Human Trafficking and the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC)
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